Our commitment to sustainable development cannot be fulfilled without the protection of the environment. We have the obligation to reduce our carbon footprint and minimize the negative effect on the environment.
As part of our corporate objectives, we thoroughly assess and manage all environmental aspects, including the reduction of waste generated as a result of our activities and the return of recyclable waste, the preservation of the working environment in accordance with international standards, and the training of our staff to increase their environmental awareness.

Our environmental policy and procedures apply to all of our employees and units and comply with international standards and industry best practices, such as ISO 14001. It is our fervent aim, to have zero environmental releases.
Therefore, it is not surprising that most of our policies and procedures, as well as, the Service Execution Cycle include controls that focus on eliminating any major spills and releases. In addition to serving to minimize our negative environmental impact.

We understand that any spills can have significant negative effects on the environment. Thus, since the Company’s establishment, we continuously attempt to build rigorous prevention systems for such spills, while also developing our incident investigation processes by closely evaluating any incidents or near misses.
At SOCAR AQS, we are actively working to minimize waste as part of our efforts to reduce the Company’s negative environmental impact. Effective handling of waste in all forms is fundamental to our processes, thus, we attempt to recycle the collected waste or reuse it in our operations as much as possible.