29 June 2018

The next quarterly meeting of the IADC Caspian Chapter has been held

Recently, the third quarterly meeting of the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) Caspian Chapterwas held in Baku with the support of SOCAR AQS.


At the meeting, which was attended by IADC Regional Representative for the Middle East and Africa, Mr. Hisham Zebiani, panel discussions were held on the topic “Diversity: Supporting the Development of Women in the Oil and Gas Industry”.


Well-known business ladies working in various fields of industry were invited to the panel discussion.


The event participants watched a video about the growing women rights and opportunities and the work carried out in this field.


Sabina Principe, Director of Human Resources at Parker Drilling, who was first invited to the panel discussion, spoke about the relevance of gender equality.


“Equal accessibility means the equal conditions and guarantees created for women and men. Through legal, organizational and other mechanisms, each state ensures equal representation of men and women in governance, decision-making, and elimination of all forms of discrimination.


One of the main reasons for women’s poor participation in social, political and social life is traditional stereotypes that connect women’s role in society more with family. Such a situation necessitates the application of new approaches to national gender strategies.”


Mrs. Allison Strong, a well control and integrity manager at BP Azerbaijan, highlighted the importance of having a strong will to achieve the desired goal by sharing her story of success with the audience. “After graduating from the chemistry faculty in Aberdeen Drilling School, I attended a six-month course on advanced training in remote Alaska.


Those who do not consider the oil and gas industry, especially the drilling area to be the most desirable job for female candidates, would like to say that in my team I have very brave, well-educated and young Azerbaijani lady experts. The role of women technical staff in the safe drilling of the Caspian Sea’s rich oil and gas fields is indispensable!”.


Nargiz Nasrullayeva, the assistant to the Executive Director of the State Oil Fund of the Azerbaijan Republic, said in her speech that despite the progress made in recent years in the field of gender equality in the world, many countries are still not ready for discussions on this issue. “Social structures that create discrimination in this area continue to be persistent; In many societies, discrimination is protected by laws and traditions”.


Leyla Novruzova, Human Resources Officer at Global Business Services at BP London Office, welcomed the participants and gave recommendations to those wishing to gain career opportunities. “The key to success, regardless of the sector you work, is to work hard and to continue to do so. I always say that do your best, always stay awake for new opportunities, and do not miss them when faced with new opportunities. I think this is the key to success!”.


Later on, Vice President of Operations of BP Azerbaijan Mr. Elkhan Mammadov underlined that although it was possible to eliminate the stereotypes in the world gender equality in recent years, the problem remains. “The basic condition for promoting women’s economic freedom is depend on their accessibility to receive education. When choosing a profession, children are psychologically affected by their parents, and gender stereotypes are distorted on a specific basis. Since men are the dominant group in the majority of public and private sectors, women are less represented than men in leading positions, so their impact on decision-making is insignificant. But the role of women in society and their impact on the development are an undeniable fact.”


At the end of the presentation, Graham Glark, Drilling Manager of SOCAR AQS and chairman of IADC’s Caspian Chapter, said that by listening to the success stories of reporters, we were aware of the successes of people who grew up in different families, living in different societies and environments. “This difference, or rather diversity, gives us a rich experience.


People’s unity, teamwork, regardless of gender, race, nationality, religion or social status is the way to success. Diversity is the key to success. It looks like a beautiful carpet that touches the hinges of different colors. The initiatives and ideas from different people are the guarantors of the way to development.


Proper management of human resources within an institution, optimizing the recruitment process, goes through a constructive discussion of the diverse proposals.”


At the end of the event, an interesting question and answer session was organized among the audience and the speakers.


The IADC, headquartered in Houston, USA, is a non-profit organization that unites around 1,600 member organizations around the world dealing with oil and gas exploration, well construction, exploitation, and production of oilfield equipment and related services.


The IADC is regularly supporting partners in applying standards ensuring safe and efficient drilling in about 70 years.