On september 20, SOCAR-AQS celebrated the professional holiday “Oilman”s Day”

On September 20, SOCAR-AQS held a number of events dedicated to the Azerbaijan professional holiday “Oilman”s Day”. First of all, employees of the company, together with interns of SOCAR-AQS, visited the grave of the great leader Heydar Aliyev in the Alley of Honor, laid flowers to the monument and honored his bright memory.
Later, in the main office building, SOCAR-AQS hosted the final presentations of students, who had completed a two-month summer internship. Students came up with interesting topics and shared their impressions about the company and structural units where they worked.
Other officials of the company, participants in the final presentations, also congratulated students with successful end of the internship program for 2017.
After presentations, the celebration of the holiday moved to the next awarding ceremony, where service companies and contractor, as well as, representatives of higher educational establishments were participating. Ceremony began with demonstration of interesting click- add about the company activities.
In addition, on behalf of the staff, General Director expressed his gratitude for the trust in the SOCAR-AQS management and the awards assigned to employees of the oil and gas industry on the decree of President Ilham Aliyev on September 19, 2017. According to the decree, the Senior Toolpusher of platform “Umid-1” Aladdin Aliyev was awarded with the “Taraggi” medals, and consultant to General Director Ali Ismailov was awarded with the Presidential scholarship.
Also, Senior Toolpusher Chingiz Akhundov, who works on platform “Umid-1”, was honored with “Certificate of Honor” by decree of the SOCAR management for his special contribution to the development of the Republic”s oil and gas industry. SOCAR-AQS staff was grateful to president of SOCAR Mr. Rovnag Abdullayev for the care and value.
Then, the employees who contributed to the development of the company were awarded with gifts and certificates.
12 interns who successfully finished their internship were also awarded by relevant certificates.
After that, names of the students, winners of Student Scholarship contest for academic year 2017-2018, were announced.
Management of the company congratulated the 4th year student of the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry Rasim Hasanzade and 5th year student of the Baku Higher Oil School Arif Sadigli with the victory in the contest.
Right after awards, General Director of SOCAR-UMID LLC, which is one of the most important clients of SOCAR-AQS, Ali Gurbanov congratulated all oilmen with professional holiday.
“By our joint efforts together with SOCAR-AQS, we have drilled high quality well number 14 on platform “Umid-1” and added the well to the production fund. This result was very important for our country, and we have successfully accomplish this challenge. I am confident that our cooperation with SOCAR-AQS will grow further in the future.”
Later, the chancellor of the Baku High Oil School Elmar Gasimov congratulated the SOCAR-AQS staff on their professional holiday. He expressed confidence in bright future of the company and success on international drilling projects.
Chancellor Elmar Gasimov expressed his deep gratitude to the SOCAR-AQS for hosting summer internship program, as well as a Student Scholarship Contest, and he stressed his satisfaction on development of the bilateral relations.
At the end a reception organized in honor of the guests.