SOCAR AQS transfers 1.5 million manats to the Fund to Support the Fight against Coronavirus

SOCAR AQS continues its initiatives towards the prevention of the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) in the country and protection of health of citizens, following recommendations of the President Mr. Ilham Aliyev for the private sector on demonstrating social solidarity.
SOCAR AQS transferred 1.5 million manats to the Fund to Support the Fight against Coronavirus that was established as per the order signed by the President Ilham Aliyev on March 19th to stengthen the fight against the coronavirus pandemic in order to minimize the impact of severe fluctuations in the world markets to the population, macroeconomic stability, employment and the private sector. Together with this, the companies of Neqsol Holding that SOCAR AQS is also a part of, transferred a total of 5 million manats to the corresponding Fund.
Additionally, SOCAR AQS employees initiated the purchase of a considerable amount of face masks, thermal imagers, disinfection tools and equipment, testing kits and artificial respiration apparatus from abroad and provided to appropriate bodies to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
Within the Corporate Social Responsibility strategy of the Company, relying on the international best practice of the World Health Organization, as well as following recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan Republic and Operative Headquarter under the Cabinet of Ministers to fight the coronavirus (Covid-19) and stop the spread of the virus, SOCAR AQS has been taking necessary measures starting from February. As such, per the management decision, to strengthen the measures against the Coronavirus pandemic and to control their implementation, the Working Group has been created in the company.
Currently, SOCAR AQS takes steps to raise the awareness about the virus and implements consistent preventive measures to protect the employees working in all the work areas, their family members, instituions they cooperate with, as well as its customers, contractors and subcontractors.
SOCAR AQS does not leave its older employees and employees in need of special care and their family members in such a hard time and implements all the necessary measures for their social isolation and provision with special sensitivity.
The sanitary-epidemiological situation in all the work areas is under strict control, the thermal imagers are being used in entrances, all employees have been provided with the face masks, stations have been established for hand disinfection, awareness video instructions and posters have been prepared and communicated to every member of the organization, the disinfecting works are being regularly implemented in all the work and household areas in the use of the company.
The “Hotline” center has been created to ensure effective communication, the transport has been arranged for safe transportation of our employees, work-from-home opportunity has been introduced to the office workers, necessary steps have been taken to shift to the new working regimes in the production areas and business trips have been temporarily suspended. All the internal and external meetings are being realized online through the use of modern technological applications.
To strengthen the communication, unity and enthusiasm among our employees working in different geographical locations and from home, SOCAR AQS online corporate radio has begun operating.
The Human Capital Division continues providing online video trainings to ensure uninterrupted development of employees. To protect the physical and psychological wellbeing of its employees and their family members, SOCAR AQS realizes different online initiatives. The Working Group established in the company continues its work online during the Nowruz holidays to ensure continuous implementation of the action plan to combat the disease, regularly follows the measures, recommendations and orders adopted by the government and takes necessary steps for their application.
As an action to the call in the world and in the country, SOCAR AQS contributes to the countrywide and nationwide measures and continues its mission with dignity.